[:en]Language Editors[:fr]Rédacteurs[:es]Editores de Idioma[:de]Spracheditoren[:pb]Editores de Idiomas[:]

[:en]To strengthen the editorial team of the journal and ensure its quality across languages, we are looking for “language editors” to review and proofread submissions. We are looking in particular for editors for the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Russian. Interested? Contact us now at reviews@ophen.org!

Continue reading [:en]Language Editors[:fr]Rédacteurs[:es]Editores de Idioma[:de]Spracheditoren[:pb]Editores de Idiomas[:]

“Phenomenological Reviews”

phenoreviewsblueThe Open Commons of Phenomenology and sdvig press have the pleasure to announce the launch of a new journal:

Phenomenological Reviews

edited by Prof. Anthony Steinbock (Southern Illinois University) and Iulian Apostolescu (University of Bucharest).

The journal is dedicated to the publication of book reviews related to phenomenology and the phenomenological movement (both understood very broadly as extending to disciplines across the humanities and beyond).

Reviews will be published here in digital form almost immediately upon acceptance (after the necessary proofreading and editing) . All texts will be available in open access without embargoes and be given a DOI for citation purposes. They will also be archived for long-term preservation and reference in the database of the Open Commons of Phenomenology.

Further, all reviews will be collected at regular intervals (starting on a twice-yearly basis) and published in print form by sdvig press.

You are welcome to submit book reviews for inclusion in the journal. Please follow our Submission Guidelines.