Ivo De Gennaro

, 2020, Principles of philosophy: a phenomenological approach, Alber, Freiburg im Breisgau.

, 2014a, 'Evaluating the unevaluable: scientific research in the epoch of the will to will', Heidegger Studies 30, 17-32.

, 2014b, The weirdness of being: Heidegger's unheard answer to the seinsfrage, Routledge, London-New York.

, 2011a, Husserl and Heidegger on da-sein: with a suggestion for its interlingual translation, in F. Schalow (ed.), Heidegger, translation, and the task of thinking, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 225-252.

, 2011b, 'Minding that "we" cannot ever not think Being: enowning and the treasure of the onset', Heidegger Studies 27, 15-43.

with Schalow, F. , 2010, 'Translation, tradition, and the other onset of thinking', Heidegger Studies 26, 97-124.

, 2009, 'Owning to the belongingness to Be-ing or thinking as surrender: the English Denkweg and Parvis Emad's book on Beiträge', Heidegger Studies 25, 115-141.

, 2007, 'Why being itself and not just being?', The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 7, 159-195.

, 2000a, 'Heidegger und die Griechen', Heidegger Studies 16, 87-113.