Antoine Bargel

, 2014, Semprun and Lukács: for a Marxist reading of le grand voyage, in O. Ferrán & G. Herrmann (eds.), A critical companion to Jorge Semprún, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 235-250.

with Bouju, E. , 2014, In the name of things that have happened: Jorge Semprun and the writing of history, in O. Ferrán & G. Herrmann (eds.), A critical companion to Jorge Semprún, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 125-134.

with Nicoladzé, F. , 2014a, Jorge Semprún and the writing of identity: family origins and fictional construction, in O. Ferrán & G. Herrmann (eds.), A critical companion to Jorge Semprún, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 39-51.