Alessandro Sarti

with Barbieri, D. , 2018, Neuromorphology of meaning, in D. Compagno (ed.), Quantitative semiotic analysis, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 55-74.

with Piotrowski, D. , 2015, Individuation and semiogenesis: an interplay between geometric harmonics and structural morphodynamics, in A. Sarti, F. Montanari & F. Galofaro (eds.), Morphogenesis and individuation, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 49-73.

with Montanari, F. , Galofaro, F. (eds) , 2015, Morphogenesis and individuation, Springer, Dordrecht.

with Citti, G. , 2014, From functional architectures to percepts: a neuromathematical approach, in G. Citti & A. Sarti (eds.), Neuromathematics of vision, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 131-171.

with Citti, G. (eds) , 2014a, Neuromathematics of vision, Springer, Dordrecht.