David Herman

, 2018, Compulsory heterosexuality and the queering of southern lines, in S. Travis, A. M. Kraehe, E. J. Hood & T. E. Lewis (eds.), Pedagogies in the flesh, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 127-132.

, 2013, Approaches to narrative worldmaking, in M. Andrews, C. Squire & M. Tamboukou (eds.), Doing narrative research, London, Sage, pp. 176-195.

, 2009, Basic elements of narrative, Blackwell, Oxford.

, 2007a, 'Ethnolinguistic identity and social cognition: language prejudice as hermeneutic pathology', Sign systems studies 35 (1-2), 217-228.

, 2007b, 'Etnolingvistika ja sotsiaalne taju: keeleline eelarvamus kui hermeneutiline patoloogia. kokkuvõte', Sign systems studies 35 (1-2), 228-229.

(ed) , 2007, The Cambridge companion to narrative, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

with Jahn, M. , Ryan, M.-L. , 2005, Routledge encyclopedia of narrative theory, Routledge, London.

, 2002a, Stories as a tool for thinking, in D. Herman (ed.), Narrative theory and the cognitive sciences, Stanford, CSLI Publications, pp. 163-192.

, 2002b, Story logic: problems and possibilities of narrative, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

(ed) , 2002, Narrative theory and the cognitive sciences, CSLI Publications, Stanford.

, 1997a, 'Ingarden and the Prague School', Neophilologus 81 (4), 481-487.