Maciej Bańkowski

with Górski, E. , 2011, 'Democratic spain and the Ibero-American community of nations', Dialogue and universalism 21 (2), 93-114.

with Bartoszewski, W. , 2010, 'Contemporary poles and public Service', Dialogue and universalism 20 (9-10), 7-14.

with Borowska, M. , 2010, 'Further from nature — or closer?: towards a post–formal dynamic of architectural space', Dialogue and universalism 20 (3-4), 111-122.

with Kasia, K. , 2010, 'Taming material', Dialogue and universalism 20 (3-4), 91-95.

with Kuczyńska, A. , 2010, 'The horizontal and the vertical in Henryk Musiałowicz's artworks', Dialogue and universalism 20 (3-4), 15-21.

with Kuczyński, J. , 2010a, 'Henryk Musiałowicz: ontology of space and color. an enthusiast's commentary', Dialogue and universalism 20 (3-4), 55-57.

with Kuczyński, J. , 2010b, 'The universalism of John Paul II—the universalism of Leszek Kołakowski: afterword', Dialogue and universalism 20 (7-8), 131-144.

with Lorenc, I. , 2010, 'Magical metamorphoses in the art of Henryk Musiałowicz', Dialogue and universalism 20 (3-4), 31-38.

with Rosińska, Z. , 2010, 'Illuminating life: Leszek Kołakowski's philosophy of culture', Dialogue and universalism 20 (7-8), 39-48.

with Siemek, M.J. , 2010, 'Laudatio on the renewal of Leszek Kołakowski's PhD. at the university of Warsaw', Dialogue and universalism 20 (7-8), 15-20.

with Wolińska, A. , 2010, 'Haiku—time experienced "now"', Dialogue and universalism 20 (3-4), 79-89.

with Czarniecki, M. M. , 2009, 'Transitional humanity (poetical-metaphilosophical sketches)', Dialogue and universalism 19 (11-12), 107-123.

with Dzik, J. , 2009, 'The benefits of the theory of evolution', Dialogue and universalism 19 (11-12), 11-16.

with Krakowiak, J. L. , 2009, 'Polish and universal—an elementary Polishness ontology', Dialogue and universalism 19 (3-5), 5-12.

with Siemek, M.J. , 2009, 'Hegel and the modernity ethos', Dialogue and universalism 19 (3-5), 195-208.

with Targowski, A. , 2009, 'The big history of young Europe', Dialogue and universalism 19 (3-5), 251-272.

with Walentowicz, H. , 2009, 'Philosophy and science in the social theory of the Frankfurt school', Dialogue and universalism 19 (3-5), 209-225.

, 2004, 'Colonel Ignacy Matuszewski remembers the Warsaw uprising', Dialogue and universalism 14 (5-6), 65-70.

with Danecki, J. , Danecka, M. , 2004, 'At the roots of global threats: development dilemmas', Dialogue and universalism 14 (10-12), 149-152.

with Kuczyński, J. , 2004, 'The Editor's afterword: the universalism imperative vs. horror metaphysicus and horror politicus', Dialogue and universalism 14 (3-4), 51-81.

with Likiernik, S. , 2004, 'I did not want to die for nothing', Dialogue and universalism 14 (5-6), 131-134.

with Matuszewski, I. , 2004, 'Warsaw's final days', Dialogue and universalism 14 (5-6), 70-76.

with Militz, W. , 2004a, 'In the "Baszta" unit', Dialogue and universalism 14 (5-6), 123-130.