Emmanuel Alloa: Partages de la perspective, Fayard, 2020

Partages de la perspective Book Cover Partages de la perspective
Emmanuel Alloa
Paperback € 25.00

Michel Henry: Können des Lebens: Schlüssel zur radikalen Phänomenologie, Alber Verlag, 2017

Können des Lebens: Schlüssel zur radikalen Phänomenologie Book Cover Können des Lebens: Schlüssel zur radikalen Phänomenologie
Michel Henry. Herausgegeben von Rolf Kühn
Alber Verlag
Kartoniert 24.00 €

David P. Nichols (Ed.): Van Gogh among the Philosophers: Painting, Thinking, Being, Lexington Books, 2017

Van Gogh among the Philosophers: Painting, Thinking, Being Book Cover Van Gogh among the Philosophers: Painting, Thinking, Being
David P. Nichols (Ed.)
Lexington Books
Hardback £70.00

Hans Bernhard Schmid, Gerhard Thonhauser (Eds.): From Conventionalism to Social Authenticity: Heidegger’s Anyone and Contemporary Social Theory, Springer, 2017

From Conventionalism to Social Authenticity: Heidegger’s Anyone and Contemporary Social Theory Book Cover From Conventionalism to Social Authenticity: Heidegger’s Anyone and Contemporary Social Theory
Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality
Hans Bernhard Schmid, Gerhard Thonhauser (Eds.)
Springer International Publishing
Hardcover 96,29 €
VI, 278