Lacan's subversion of the subject

Ed Pluth

pp. 293-312

I explore Lacan's theory of the subject by responding to two well-known criticisms of it, found in Borch-Jacobsen's Lacan and Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy's The Title of the Letter. I argue that the relation of the subject to language is an important part of Lacan's theory, but his conception of the subject cannot be reduced to language, as the critiques allege. The real must be included in the picture too. I then discuss the situation of Lacan's subject between language and the real, and conclude with a contrast of Lacan's subversion of the subject to a Derridean paleonymic approach.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/s11007-006-9024-3

Full citation:

Pluth, E. (2006). Lacan's subversion of the subject. Continental Philosophy Review 39 (3), pp. 293-312.

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