[:en]Language Editors[:fr]Rédacteurs[:es]Editores de Idioma[:de]Spracheditoren[:pb]Editores de Idiomas[:]

[:en]To strengthen the editorial team of the journal and ensure its quality across languages, we are looking for “language editors” to review and proofread submissions. We are looking in particular for editors for the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Russian. Interested? Contact us now at reviews@ophen.org!

The role of language editors is simple: when the main editors receive submissions in a given language, they do a first assessment of its quality and send it to a qualified language editor, who must carry out a more thorough quality check. If the submission is acceptable for publication, the language editor then proofreads it.

By volunteering as a language editor, you commit to review max. 2 submissions (of maximum 3000 signs) per month. For submissions which require heavy editing, the journal will offer you a financial compensation.

As a language editor, your name will figure on the editorial team of the journal.

Questions? Write to us (Iulian Apostolescu and Patrick Flack – reviews@ophen.org), we’ll be happy to hear from you.[:fr]Pour renforcer l’équipe éditoriale de la revue, nous cherchons des rédacteurs de langue française (volontaires). La charge de travail est modeste puisqu’elle implique la relecture mensuelle de maximum 2 à 3 recensions de 1000-2000 mots. Contactez-nous à reviews@ophen.org![:es]Para fortalecer el equipo editorial de la revista y asegurar su calidad linguística, estamos buscando editores de idioma para revisar y corregir las propuestas de reseña. Buscamos en particular editores en Inglés, Alemán, Español, y Ruso. Si está interesado, por favor contáctenos a reviews@ophen.org[:de]Um das Redaktionsteam der Zeitschrift zu stärken und seine Qualität sprachenübergreifend zu gewährleisten, suchen wir „Spracheditoren“, die Einsendungen begutachten und lektorieren. Wir suchen allem voran Editoren für die folgenden Sprachen: Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Russisch. Interessiert? Schreiben Sie uns auf
reviews@ophen.org[:pb]Para fortalecer a equipe editorial da revista e asegurar sua qualidade através dos idiomas, estamos procurando por “editores de idiomas” para revisar e editar submissões. Estamos procurando especialmente editores para as seguintes línguas: Inglês, Alemão, Espanhol, Russo. Interessado? Contate-nos através do reviews@ophen.org[:]

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