William Koch

(2011). R. Capobianco, Engaging Heidegger [Review of the book , by ]. Human Studies 34 (2), 231-236.

(2015). Phenomenology as social critique. In H. Pedersen & M. Altman (eds.) Horizons of authenticity in phenomenology, existentialism, and moral psychology (pp. 311-328). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2017). Achilles and the (sexual) history of being. In J. Elbert Decker & D. Winchock (eds.) Borderlands and liminal subjects (pp. 167-186). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2017). S. Ferrarello, Husserl's ethics and practical intentionality [Review of the book Husserl's ethics and practical intentionality, by S. Ferrarello]. Human Studies 40 (3), 483-489.